

当富贵利达的人夸说他得到神的特别恩惠时,上帝却羞了,God is ashamed when the prosperous boasts of His special favour.— 泰戈尔 《飞鸟集》

泰戈尔语录:当富贵利达的人夸说他得到神的特别恩惠时,上帝却羞了,God is ashamed when the prosperous boasts of His special favour.

英文翻译:When the person boast that amounts to when benefit of riches and honour says he gets magical special favor, sacred however be ashamed, god Is Ashamed When The Prosperous Boasts Of His Special Favour.

语录繁体:當富貴利達的人誇說他得到神的特別恩惠時,上帝卻羞瞭,God is ashamed when the prosperous boasts of His special favour.

泰戈尔语录火星文:當富圚利達啲囚誇詤彵嘚箌神啲特別恩惠塒,仩渧卻羞叻,God is ashamed when the prosperous boasts of His special favour.

泰戈尔说过当富贵利达的人夸说他得到神的特别恩惠时,上帝却羞了,God is ashamed when the prosperous boasts of His special favour.这句泰戈尔语录已被网友认为是泰戈尔的名言。


