

Rose leaves, when the rose is dead,玫瑰花,当它凋落之际,Are heaped for the beloved’s bed,落红为其所爱铺设锦床,And so thy thoughts, when thou art gone,恋你如斯,在你远去之时,Love itself shall slumber on.,爱情枕着思念渐入梦乡。— 雪莱 《致一一》

雪莱语录:Rose leaves, when the rose is dead,玫瑰花,当它凋落之际,Are heaped for the beloved’s bed,落红为其所爱铺设锦床,And so thy thoughts, when thou art gone,恋你如斯,在你远去之时,Love itself shall slumber on.,爱情枕着思念渐入梦乡。

英文翻译:Rose Leaves, when The Rose Is Dead, rose, when its wither and fall during, are Heaped For The Beloved ' S Bed, fall red what love bed of laid bright and beautiful for its, and So Thy Thoughts, when Thou Art Gone, be like,love you this, in you far go when, love Itself Shall Slumber On. , love pillow is worn longing enters dreamland gradually.

语录繁体:Rose leaves, when the rose is dead,玫瑰花,當它凋落之際,Are heaped for the beloved’s bed,落紅為其所愛鋪設錦床,And so thy thoughts, when thou art gone,戀你如斯,在你遠去之時,Love itself shall slumber on.,愛情枕著思念漸入夢鄉。

雪莱语录火星文:Rose leaves, when the rose is dead,玫瑰婲,當咜凋落の際,Are heaped for the beloved’s bed,落紅為其所愛鋪設錦床,And so thy thoughts, when thou art gone,戀伱洳斯,茬伱遠去の塒,Love itself shall slumber on.,愛情枕著思念漸入夢鄉。

雪莱说过Rose leaves, when the rose is dead,玫瑰花,当它凋落之际,Are heaped for the beloved’s bed,落红为其所爱铺设锦床,And so thy thoughts, when thou art gone,恋你如斯,在你远去之时,Love itself shall slumber on.,爱情枕着思念渐入梦乡。这句雪莱语录已被网友认为是雪莱的名言。


