

人走进喧哗的群众里去,为的是要淹没他自己的沉默的呼号,Man goes into the noisy crowed to drown his own clamour of silence.— 泰戈尔 《飞鸟集》

泰戈尔语录:人走进喧哗的群众里去,为的是要淹没他自己的沉默的呼号,Man goes into the noisy crowed to drown his own clamour of silence.

英文翻译:The person is walked into go in roaring masses, for the sake of wanting to flood his own silent cry out in distress, man Goes Into The Noisy Crowed To Drown His Own Clamour Of Silence.

语录繁体:人走進喧嘩的群眾裡去,為的是要淹沒他自己的沉默的呼號,Man goes into the noisy crowed to drown his own clamour of silence.

泰戈尔语录火星文:囚赱進喧嘩啲群眾裏去,為啲昰偠淹莈彵自己啲沉默啲呼號,Man goes into the noisy crowed to drown his own clamour of silence.

泰戈尔说过人走进喧哗的群众里去,为的是要淹没他自己的沉默的呼号,Man goes into the noisy crowed to drown his own clamour of silence.这句泰戈尔语录已被网友认为是泰戈尔的名言。


