

白日以这小小的地球的喧扰,淹没了整个宇宙的沉默, ,The day, with the noise of this little earth, drowns the ,silence of all worlds.— 泰戈尔 《飞鸟集》

泰戈尔语录:白日以这小小的地球的喧扰,淹没了整个宇宙的沉默, ,The day, with the noise of this little earth, drowns the ,silence of all worlds.

英文翻译:White day with this small world rackety, those who flooded whole universe is silent, , the Day, with The Noise Of This Little Earth, drowns The, silence Of All Worlds.

语录繁体:白日以這小小的地球的喧擾,淹沒瞭整個宇宙的沉默, ,The day, with the noise of this little earth, drowns the ,silence of all worlds.

泰戈尔语录火星文:苩ㄖ鉯這曉曉啲地浗啲喧擾,淹莈叻整個宇宙啲沉默, ,The day, with the noise of this little earth, drowns the ,silence of all worlds.

泰戈尔说过白日以这小小的地球的喧扰,淹没了整个宇宙的沉默, ,The day, with the noise of this little earth, drowns the ,silence of all worlds.这句泰戈尔语录已被网友认为是泰戈尔的名言。


