

趁天空还明媚,蔚蓝 Whilst skies are blue and bright,趁着花朵鲜艳 Whilst flowers are gay,趁眼睛看来一切美好 Whilst eyes that change ere night,趁夜幕还没降临 Make glad the day,呵 趁现在时流还平静 Whilst yet the calm hours creep,做你的梦吧 且憩息 Dream thou-and from thy sleep,等醒来再哭泣 Then wake to weep— 雪莱 《无常》

雪莱语录:趁天空还明媚,蔚蓝 Whilst skies are blue and bright,趁着花朵鲜艳 Whilst flowers are gay,趁眼睛看来一切美好 Whilst eyes that change ere night,趁夜幕还没降临 Make glad the day,呵 趁现在时流还平静 Whilst yet the calm hours creep,做你的梦吧 且憩息 Dream thou-and from thy sleep,等醒来再哭泣 Then wake to weep

英文翻译:Take the advantage of a sky beautiful still, azure Whilst Skies Are Blue And Bright, taking the advantage of flower bright-coloured Whilst Flowers Are Gay, take the advantage of an eye to look all good Whilst Eyes That Change Ere Night, take the advantage of curtain of night to still do not have advent Make Glad The Day, ah take the advantage of present tense to shed quiet still Whilst Yet The Calm Hours Creep, the dream that makes you and resting Dream Thou-and From Thy Sleep, etc awake to cry again Then Wake To Weep

语录繁体:趁天空還明媚,蔚藍 Whilst skies are blue and bright,趁著花朵鮮艷 Whilst flowers are gay,趁眼睛看來一切美好 Whilst eyes that change ere night,趁夜幕還沒降臨 Make glad the day,呵 趁現在時流還平靜 Whilst yet the calm hours creep,做你的夢吧 且憩息 Dream thou-and from thy sleep,等醒來再哭泣 Then wake to weep

雪莱语录火星文:趁兲涳還朙媚,蔚藍 Whilst skies are blue and bright,趁著婲朵鮮豔 Whilst flowers are gay,趁眼聙看唻┅切媄恏 Whilst eyes that change ere night,趁夜幕還莈降臨 Make glad the day,呵 趁哯茬塒鋶還平靜 Whilst yet the calm hours creep,做伱啲夢吧 且憩息 Dream thou-and from thy sleep,等醒唻洅哭泣 Then wake to weep

雪莱说过趁天空还明媚,蔚蓝 Whilst skies are blue and bright,趁着花朵鲜艳 Whilst flowers are gay,趁眼睛看来一切美好 Whilst eyes that change ere night,趁夜幕还没降临 Make glad the day,呵 趁现在时流还平静 Whilst yet the calm hours creep,做你的梦吧 且憩息 Dream thou-and from thy sleep,等醒来再哭泣 Then wake to weep这句雪莱语录已被网友认为是雪莱的名言。


