

if one idles away his time ,youth will fade away and life will run out on him.,谁虚度年华,青春就要褪色,生命就要抛弃他。— 雨果 《未知》

雨果语录:if one idles away his time ,youth will fade away and life will run out on him.,谁虚度年华,青春就要褪色,生命就要抛弃他。

英文翻译:If One Idles Away His Time, youth Will Fade Away And Life Will Run Out On Him. , who wastes time, youth is about to fade, life is about to abandon he.

语录繁体:if one idles away his time ,youth will fade away and life will run out on him.,誰虛度年華,青春就要褪色,生命就要拋棄他。

雨果语录火星文:if one idles away his time ,youth will fade away and life will run out on him.,誰虛喥姩囮,圊春就偠褪銫,苼命就偠拋棄彵。

雨果说过if one idles away his time ,youth will fade away and life will run out on him.,谁虚度年华,青春就要褪色,生命就要抛弃他。这句雨果语录已被网友认为是雨果的名言。


