

鸟儿愿为一朵云,云儿愿为一只鸟,The bird wishes it were a cloud.The cloud wishes it were a bird.— 泰戈尔 《飞鸟集》

泰戈尔语录:鸟儿愿为一朵云,云儿愿为一只鸟,The bird wishes it were a cloud.The cloud wishes it were a bird.

英文翻译:bird wishs to be one cloudlet, the cloud wish to be a bird, the Bird Wishes It Were A Cloud.The Cloud Wishes It Were A Bird.

语录繁体:鳥兒願為一朵雲,雲兒願為一隻鳥,The bird wishes it were a cloud.The cloud wishes it were a bird.

泰戈尔语录火星文:蔦ㄦ願為┅朵雲,雲ㄦ願為┅呮蔦,The bird wishes it were a cloud.The cloud wishes it were a bird.

泰戈尔说过鸟儿愿为一朵云,云儿愿为一只鸟,The bird wishes it were a cloud.The cloud wishes it were a bird.这句泰戈尔语录已被网友认为是泰戈尔的名言。


