

I love her against reason , against promise , against peace ,against hope , against happiness , against all discouragement that could be 。 Once for all 。,我爱她是违背常理,是妨碍前程,是失去自制,是破灭希望, 是断送幸福,是注定要尝尽一切的沮丧和失望的,可是,一旦爱上了她,我再也不能不爱她。— 狄更斯 《远大前程》

狄更斯语录:I love her against reason , against promise , against peace ,against hope , against happiness , against all discouragement that could be 。 Once for all 。,我爱她是违背常理,是妨碍前程,是失去自制,是破灭希望, 是断送幸福,是注定要尝尽一切的沮丧和失望的,可是,一旦爱上了她,我再也不能不爱她。

英文翻译:I Love Her Against Reason, against Promise, against Peace, against Hope, against Happiness, against All Discouragement That Could Be. Once For All. , I love her is to violate constant put in order, it is cloggy future, it is to lose self-restrained, it is undone hope, it is to forfeit happy, be the dismay that is destined to want to taste everything and disappointment, but, once fell in love with her, I also have to love her again.

语录繁体:I love her against reason , against promise , against peace ,against hope , against happiness , against all discouragement that could be 。 Once for all 。,我愛她是違背常理,是妨礙前程,是失去自制,是破滅希望, 是斷送幸福,是註定要嘗盡一切的沮喪和失望的,可是,一旦愛上瞭她,我再也不能不愛她。

狄更斯语录火星文:I love her against reason , against promise , against peace ,against hope , against happiness , against all discouragement that could be 。 Once for all 。,莪愛她昰違褙瑺悝,昰妨礙前程,昰夨去自制,昰破滅希望, 昰斷送圉鍢,昰紸萣偠嘗盡┅切啲沮喪囷夨望啲,鈳昰,┅旦愛仩叻她,莪洅吔鈈能鈈愛她。

狄更斯说过I love her against reason , against promise , against peace ,against hope , against happiness , against all discouragement that could be 。 Once for all 。,我爱她是违背常理,是妨碍前程,是失去自制,是破灭希望, 是断送幸福,是注定要尝尽一切的沮丧和失望的,可是,一旦爱上了她,我再也不能不爱她。这句狄更斯语录已被网友认为是狄更斯的名言。


