

Everyone who has something is afraid of losing it, and people with nothing are worried they'll forever have nothing. Everyone is the same.”,有什么就害怕失去它,一无所有,又担心会永远一无所有,每个人都一样。— 村上春树 《且听风吟》

村上春树语录:Everyone who has something is afraid of losing it, and people with nothing are worried they'll forever have nothing. Everyone is the same.”,有什么就害怕失去它,一无所有,又担心会永远一无所有,每个人都一样。

英文翻译:Everyone Who Has Something Is Afraid Of Losing It, and People With Nothing Are Worried They'll Forever Have Nothing. Everyone Is The Same. " , what fears to lose it, penniless, worry again meeting forever penniless, everybody is same.

语录繁体:Everyone who has something is afraid of losing it, and people with nothing are worried they'll forever have nothing. Everyone is the same.”,有什麼就害怕失去它,一無所有,又擔心會永遠一無所有,每個人都一樣。

村上春树语录火星文:Everyone who has something is afraid of losing it, and people with nothing are worried they'll forever have nothing. Everyone is the same.”,洧什仫就害怕夨去咜,┅無所洧,又擔惢茴詠遠┅無所洧,烸個囚都┅樣。

村上春树说过Everyone who has something is afraid of losing it, and people with nothing are worried they'll forever have nothing. Everyone is the same.”,有什么就害怕失去它,一无所有,又担心会永远一无所有,每个人都一样。这句村上春树语录已被网友认为是村上春树的名言。


