

Not afraid of in your dreams fall, I'm afraid lost in someone else's miracle. Only their own dream master, don't do what others miracle audience.,不怕在自己的梦想里跌倒,只怕在别人的奇迹中迷路, 只做自己梦想的主人,不做别人奇迹的听众。— 周立波 《未知》

周立波语录:Not afraid of in your dreams fall, I'm afraid lost in someone else's miracle. Only their own dream master, don't do what others miracle audience.,不怕在自己的梦想里跌倒,只怕在别人的奇迹中迷路, 只做自己梦想的主人,不做别人奇迹的听众。

英文翻译:Not Afraid Of In Your Dreams Fall, i'm Afraid Lost In Someone Else's Miracle. Only Their Own Dream Master, don't Do What Others Miracle Audience. , do not be afraid of to fall in the dream in oneself, be afraid of to get lost in the miracle in others only, do the host that oneself dream only, do not make the audience of others miracle.

语录繁体:Not afraid of in your dreams fall, I'm afraid lost in someone else's miracle. Only their own dream master, don't do what others miracle audience.,不怕在自己的夢想裡跌倒,隻怕在別人的奇跡中迷路, 隻做自己夢想的主人,不做別人奇跡的聽眾。

周立波语录火星文:Not afraid of in your dreams fall, I'm afraid lost in someone else's miracle. Only their own dream master, don't do what others miracle audience.,鈈怕茬自己啲夢想裏跌倒,呮怕茬別囚啲奇跡ф迷蕗, 呮做自己夢想啲主囚,鈈做別囚奇跡啲聽眾。

周立波说过Not afraid of in your dreams fall, I'm afraid lost in someone else's miracle. Only their own dream master, don't do what others miracle audience.,不怕在自己的梦想里跌倒,只怕在别人的奇迹中迷路, 只做自己梦想的主人,不做别人奇迹的听众。这句周立波语录已被网友认为是周立波的名言。


