

A man is but the product of his thoughts, what he thinks, he becomes.,人是思想的产物,心里想的是什么,就会变成什么样的人。— 甘地 《Ethical Religion》

甘地语录:A man is but the product of his thoughts, what he thinks, he becomes.,人是思想的产物,心里想的是什么,就会变成什么样的人。

英文翻译:A Man Is But The Product Of His Thoughts, what He Thinks, he Becomes. , the person is the child of the thought, what is what think in the heart, can become what kind of person.

语录繁体:A man is but the product of his thoughts, what he thinks, he becomes.,人是思想的產物,心裡想的是什麼,就會變成什麼樣的人。

甘地语录火星文:A man is but the product of his thoughts, what he thinks, he becomes.,囚昰思想啲產粅,惢裏想啲昰什仫,就茴變成什仫樣啲囚。

甘地说过A man is but the product of his thoughts, what he thinks, he becomes.,人是思想的产物,心里想的是什么,就会变成什么样的人。这句甘地语录已被网友认为是甘地的名言。


