

The whole honours and pride in the world, all come from the mother.- Al gore 世界的一切光荣与荣耀,皆来自于母亲。— 高尔基 《未知》

高尔基语录:The whole honours and pride in the world, all come from the mother.- Al gore 世界的一切光荣与荣耀,皆来自于母亲。

英文翻译:The Whole Honours And Pride In The World, all Come From The Mother. - all glory of Al Gore world and honor, all come from at the mother.

语录繁体:The whole honours and pride in the world, all come from the mother.- Al gore 世界的一切光榮與榮耀,皆來自於母親。

高尔基语录火星文:The whole honours and pride in the world, all come from the mother.- Al gore 卋堺啲┅切咣榮與榮耀,皆唻自於毋儭。

高尔基说过The whole honours and pride in the world, all come from the mother.- Al gore 世界的一切光荣与荣耀,皆来自于母亲。这句高尔基语录已被网友认为是高尔基的名言。


