

我们为什么要旅行呢我想 可能是 因为 有些人 有些事 有些地方 一旦离开 就回不去了 或者应该说 总觉得自己回不去了,Why do we travel?Maybe,it's because that someone,something,or somewhere,once you leave behind you can never return. Or think that you won't be able to return.— 安东尼 《未知》

安东尼语录:我们为什么要旅行呢我想 可能是 因为 有些人 有些事 有些地方 一旦离开 就回不去了 或者应该说 总觉得自己回不去了,Why do we travel?Maybe,it's because that someone,something,or somewhere,once you leave behind you can never return. Or think that you won't be able to return.

英文翻译:Why should we travel I think because some people have some of thing,the likelihood is once some places leave to be answered did not go perhaps should saying to always feel oneself are answered did not go, why Do We Travel? Maybe, it's Because That Someone, something, or Somewhere, once You Leave Behind You Can Never Return. Or Think That You Won't Be Able To Return.

语录繁体:我們為什麼要旅行呢我想 可能是 因為 有些人 有些事 有些地方 一旦離開 就回不去瞭 或者應該說 總覺得自己回不去瞭,Why do we travel?Maybe,it's because that someone,something,or somewhere,once you leave behind you can never return. Or think that you won't be able to return.

安东尼语录火星文:莪們為什仫偠旅荇呢莪想 鈳能昰 因為 洧些囚 洧些倳 洧些地方 ┅旦離開 就囙鈈去叻 戓者應該詤 總覺嘚自己囙鈈去叻,Why do we travel?Maybe,it's because that someone,something,or somewhere,once you leave behind you can never return. Or think that you won't be able to return.

安东尼说过我们为什么要旅行呢我想 可能是 因为 有些人 有些事 有些地方 一旦离开 就回不去了 或者应该说 总觉得自己回不去了,Why do we travel?Maybe,it's because that someone,something,or somewhere,once you leave behind you can never return. Or think that you won't be able to return.这句安东尼语录已被网友认为是安东尼的名言。


