

我想要化作夜晚,这样我才能用数千只的眼睛看着你入睡(I want to be the night,so I can watch you fall asleep with thousands of eyes.)— 柏拉图 《未知》

柏拉图语录:我想要化作夜晚,这样我才能用数千只的眼睛看着你入睡(I want to be the night,so I can watch you fall asleep with thousands of eyes.)

英文翻译:I want to spend night, such my ability look at you to fall asleep with thousands of eye (I Want To Be The Night, so I Can Watch You Fall Asleep With Thousands Of Eyes. )

语录繁体:我想要化作夜晚,這樣我才能用數千隻的眼睛看著你入睡(I want to be the night,so I can watch you fall asleep with thousands of eyes.)

柏拉图语录火星文:莪想偠囮作夜晚,這樣莪才能鼡數芉呮啲眼聙看著伱入睡(I want to be the night,so I can watch you fall asleep with thousands of eyes.)

柏拉图说过我想要化作夜晚,这样我才能用数千只的眼睛看着你入睡(I want to be the night,so I can watch you fall asleep with thousands of eyes.)这句柏拉图语录已被网友认为是柏拉图的名言。


