

奇幻夜二,〈枕妖〉,永远躲在梦里,自欺欺人,就不用面对现实中的爱恨忧伤,Escape into dreams and deceive yourself, getting away of love , hatred and grief in reality.— 李碧华 《鬼魅系列》

李碧华语录:奇幻夜二,〈枕妖〉,永远躲在梦里,自欺欺人,就不用面对现实中的爱恨忧伤,Escape into dreams and deceive yourself, getting away of love , hatred and grief in reality.

英文翻译:Strange unreal night 2, < pillow bewitching > , hide in the dream forever, deceive oneself as well as others, need not face the distress love hate in reality, escape Into Dreams And Deceive Yourself, getting Away Of Love, hatred And Grief In Reality.

语录繁体:奇幻夜二,〈枕妖〉,永遠躲在夢裡,自欺欺人,就不用面對現實中的愛恨憂傷,Escape into dreams and deceive yourself, getting away of love , hatred and grief in reality.

李碧华语录火星文:奇幻夜②,〈枕妖〉,詠遠躲茬夢裏,自欺欺囚,就鈈鼡面對哯實ф啲愛恨憂傷,Escape into dreams and deceive yourself, getting away of love , hatred and grief in reality.

李碧华说过奇幻夜二,〈枕妖〉,永远躲在梦里,自欺欺人,就不用面对现实中的爱恨忧伤,Escape into dreams and deceive yourself, getting away of love , hatred and grief in reality.这句李碧华语录已被网友认为是李碧华的名言。


