

帝王:待我君临天下,许你四海为家;国臣:待我了无牵挂,许你浪迹天涯;将军:待我半生戎马,许你共话桑麻;书生:待我功成名达,许你花前月下;侠客:待我名满华夏,许你放歌纵马;琴师:待我弦断音垮,许你青丝白发;面首:待我不再有她,许你淡饭粗茶;情郎:待我高头大马,许你嫁衣红霞;农夫:待我富贵荣华,许你十里桃花;僧人:待我一袭袈裟,许你相思放下。— 佚名 《未知》


英文翻译:Monarch: Wait for me regnant the world, make your the four seas be the home; Country official: Wait for me without care, make you roam freely all over the world; General: Wait for my half a lifetime to army horse, make you in all word mulberry hemp; Student: Wait for my result to become famous amount to, make you before the flowers and below the moon; A person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct: Wait for my name full an ancient name for China, make you put song vertical horse; Music master: Wait for my bowstring to break sound break down, make white hair of your black hair; Face head: Wait for me to have her no longer, make you weak meal thick tea; Beau: Wait for me tall head old horse, make you marry Yi Gongxia; Farmer: Wait for Rong Hua of my riches and honour, make 10 lis of your peach blossom; Monk: Wait for my cassock, make your lovesickness put down.





