

苏幕遮 本意,向来痴,从此醉,水榭听香,指点群豪戏,剧饮千杯男儿事,杏子林中,商略平生义,昔时因,今日意,胡汉恩仇,须倾英雄泪,虽万千人吾往矣,悄立雁门,绝壁无余字。— 金庸 《天龙八部》

金庸语录:苏幕遮 本意,向来痴,从此醉,水榭听香,指点群豪戏,剧饮千杯男儿事,杏子林中,商略平生义,昔时因,今日意,胡汉恩仇,须倾英雄泪,虽万千人吾往矣,悄立雁门,绝壁无余字。

英文翻译:Revive act block original idea, all along is crazy, from now on drunk, waterside pavilion listens sweet, show show of group of a person of extraordinary powers, drama drink job of 1000 cups of man, in apricot forest, business summary all one's life justice, when former times because of, now meaning, introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad Han Enchou, need bend hero tear, although I goes myriad person, quiet establishs wild goose door,

语录繁体:蘇幕遮 本意,向來癡,從此醉,水榭聽香,指點群豪戲,劇飲千杯男兒事,杏子林中,商略平生義,昔時因,今日意,胡漢恩仇,須傾英雄淚,雖萬千人吾往矣,悄立雁門,絕壁無餘字。

金庸语录火星文:蘇幕遮 夲意,姠唻癡,從此醉,沝榭聽馫,指點群豪戲,劇飲芉杯侽ㄦ倳,杏孓林ф,商略平苼図,昔塒因,紟ㄖ意,胡漢恩仇,須傾英雄淚,雖萬芉囚吾往矣,悄竝雁闁,絕壁無餘芓。

金庸说过苏幕遮 本意,向来痴,从此醉,水榭听香,指点群豪戏,剧饮千杯男儿事,杏子林中,商略平生义,昔时因,今日意,胡汉恩仇,须倾英雄泪,虽万千人吾往矣,悄立雁门,绝壁无余字。这句金庸语录已被网友认为是金庸的名言。


