

Anyone can become angry—that is easy.,But to be angry with the right person,to the right degree,at the right time,for the right purpose,And in the right way,— that is not easy.,每个人都会发脾气——这个很容易做到,但是,要把脾气发在,正确的人身上,用恰当的程度,在恰当的时间,为正确的目的,——要做到以上这些却并不容易。— 亚里士多德 《6秒钟改变你的情商》

亚里士多德语录:Anyone can become angry—that is easy.,But to be angry with the right person,to the right degree,at the right time,for the right purpose,And in the right way,— that is not easy.,每个人都会发脾气——这个很容易做到,但是,要把脾气发在,正确的人身上,用恰当的程度,在恰当的时间,为正确的目的,——要做到以上这些却并不容易。

英文翻译:Anyone Can Become Angry, That Is Easy. , but To Be Angry With The Right Person, to The Right Degree, at The Right Time, for The Right Purpose, and In The Right Way, , That Is Not Easy. , everybody can get angry -- this accomplish very easily, but, want to send disposition in, on right person, with appropriate level, in appropriate time, for true purpose, -- should accomplish above these are not easy however.

语录繁体:Anyone can become angry—that is easy.,But to be angry with the right person,to the right degree,at the right time,for the right purpose,And in the right way,— that is not easy.,每個人都會發脾氣——這個很容易做到,但是,要把脾氣發在,正確的人身上,用恰當的程度,在恰當的時間,為正確的目的,——要做到以上這些卻並不容易。

亚里士多德语录火星文:Anyone can become angry—that is easy.,But to be angry with the right person,to the right degree,at the right time,for the right purpose,And in the right way,— that is not easy.,烸個囚都茴發脾気——這個很容噫做箌,但昰,偠紦脾気發茬,㊣確啲囚身仩,鼡恰當啲程喥,茬恰當啲塒間,為㊣確啲目啲,——偠做箌鉯仩這些卻並鈈容噫。

亚里士多德说过Anyone can become angry—that is easy.,But to be angry with the right person,to the right degree,at the right time,for the right purpose,And in the right way,— that is not easy.,每个人都会发脾气——这个很容易做到,但是,要把脾气发在,正确的人身上,用恰当的程度,在恰当的时间,为正确的目的,——要做到以上这些却并不容易。这句亚里士多德语录已被网友认为是亚里士多德的名言。


