

I will no longer, as has ever been my habit, continue to ruminate on every petty vexation which fortune may dispense; I will enjoy the present, and the past shall be for me the past.,我绝不会再像以前一样,把命运加给我们的一点儿不幸拿来反复咀嚼(念念不忘);我要享受现时,过去的事就让它过去吧。— 歌德 《少年维特之烦恼》

歌德语录:I will no longer, as has ever been my habit, continue to ruminate on every petty vexation which fortune may dispense; I will enjoy the present, and the past shall be for me the past.,我绝不会再像以前一样,把命运加给我们的一点儿不幸拿来反复咀嚼(念念不忘);我要享受现时,过去的事就让它过去吧。

英文翻译:I Will No Longer, as Has Ever Been My Habit, continue To Ruminate On Every Petty Vexation Which Fortune May Dispense; I Will Enjoy The Present, and The Past Shall Be For Me The Past. , I won't resemble again absolutely same before, misfortune takes a bit that adds the destiny to us to chew repeatedly () of bear in mind constantly; I should be enjoyed uptodate, bygone lets it go.

语录繁体:I will no longer, as has ever been my habit, continue to ruminate on every petty vexation which fortune may dispense; I will enjoy the present, and the past shall be for me the past.,我絕不會再像以前一樣,把命運加給我們的一點兒不幸拿來反復咀嚼(念念不忘);我要享受現時,過去的事就讓它過去吧。

歌德语录火星文:I will no longer, as has ever been my habit, continue to ruminate on every petty vexation which fortune may dispense; I will enjoy the present, and the past shall be for me the past.,莪絕鈈茴洅像鉯前┅樣,紦命運加給莪們啲┅點ㄦ鈈圉拿唻反複咀嚼(念念鈈莣);莪偠享受哯塒,過去啲倳就讓咜過去吧。

歌德说过I will no longer, as has ever been my habit, continue to ruminate on every petty vexation which fortune may dispense; I will enjoy the present, and the past shall be for me the past.,我绝不会再像以前一样,把命运加给我们的一点儿不幸拿来反复咀嚼(念念不忘);我要享受现时,过去的事就让它过去吧。这句歌德语录已被网友认为是歌德的名言。


