

The trees come up to my window like the yearning voice of the dumb earth.,绿树长到了我的窗前,仿佛是暗哑的大地发出的渴望的声音。— 泰戈尔 《飞鸟集》

泰戈尔语录:The trees come up to my window like the yearning voice of the dumb earth.,绿树长到了我的窗前,仿佛是暗哑的大地发出的渴望的声音。

英文翻译:The Trees Come Up To My Window Like The Yearning Voice Of The Dumb Earth. , before greenery grew my window, asing if is dark the sound of the longing that dumb earth gives out.

语录繁体:The trees come up to my window like the yearning voice of the dumb earth.,綠樹長到瞭我的窗前,仿佛是暗啞的大地發出的渴望的聲音。

泰戈尔语录火星文:The trees come up to my window like the yearning voice of the dumb earth.,綠樹長箌叻莪啲窗前,仿佛昰暗啞啲夶地發絀啲渴望啲聲喑。

泰戈尔说过The trees come up to my window like the yearning voice of the dumb earth.,绿树长到了我的窗前,仿佛是暗哑的大地发出的渴望的声音。这句泰戈尔语录已被网友认为是泰戈尔的名言。


