

Life doesn't matter, there would be no joy and sadness, no love, hate and losses. Everything will pass away, like the flowers, the water...生命无所谓长短,无所谓欢乐哀愁,无所谓爱恨得失,一切都要过去,像那些花,那些流水……— 三毛 《秋恋》

三毛语录:Life doesn't matter, there would be no joy and sadness, no love, hate and losses. Everything will pass away, like the flowers, the water...生命无所谓长短,无所谓欢乐哀愁,无所谓爱恨得失,一切都要过去,像那些花,那些流水……

英文翻译:Life Doesn't Matter, there Would Be No Joy And Sadness, no Love, hate And Losses. Everything Will Pass Away, like The Flowers, the Water. . . Life is indifferent to accident, be indifferent to joy sad, be indifferent to gain and loss love hate, everything should go, beautiful like those, those running water...

语录繁体:Life doesn't matter, there would be no joy and sadness, no love, hate and losses. Everything will pass away, like the flowers, the water...生命無所謂長短,無所謂歡樂哀愁,無所謂愛恨得失,一切都要過去,像那些花,那些流水……

三毛语录火星文:Life doesn't matter, there would be no joy and sadness, no love, hate and losses. Everything will pass away, like the flowers, the water...苼命無所謂長短,無所謂歡圞哀愁,無所謂愛恨嘚夨,┅切都偠過去,像那些婲,那些鋶沝……

三毛说过Life doesn't matter, there would be no joy and sadness, no love, hate and losses. Everything will pass away, like the flowers, the water...生命无所谓长短,无所谓欢乐哀愁,无所谓爱恨得失,一切都要过去,像那些花,那些流水……这句三毛语录已被网友认为是三毛的名言。


