

Don't argue with the people of strong determination,because they may change the fact!,别和意志坚定的人争辩,因为他们可以改变事实!— 莎士比亚 《未知》

莎士比亚语录:Don't argue with the people of strong determination,because they may change the fact!,别和意志坚定的人争辩,因为他们可以改变事实!

英文翻译:Don't Argue With The People Of Strong Determination, because They May Change The Fact! , do not argue with the person with sturdy volition, because they can alter a fact!

语录繁体:Don't argue with the people of strong determination,because they may change the fact!,別和意志堅定的人爭辯,因為他們可以改變事實!

莎士比亚语录火星文:Don't argue with the people of strong determination,because they may change the fact!,別囷意志堅萣啲囚爭辯,因為彵們鈳鉯改變倳實!

莎士比亚说过Don't argue with the people of strong determination,because they may change the fact!,别和意志坚定的人争辩,因为他们可以改变事实!这句莎士比亚语录已被网友认为是莎士比亚的名言。


