

I guess I felt attached to my weakness.My pain and suffering too.Summer light the smell of a breeze,the sound of cicadas--if like these things,why should Iapologize.— 村上春树 《未知》

村上春树语录:I guess I felt attached to my weakness.My pain and suffering too.Summer light the smell of a breeze,the sound of cicadas--if like these things,why should Iapologize.

英文翻译:I Guess I Felt Attached To My Weakness.My Pain And Suffering Too.Summer Light The Smell Of A Breeze, the Sound Of Cicadas- - If Like These Things, why Should Iapologize.

语录繁体:I guess I felt attached to my weakness.My pain and suffering too.Summer light the smell of a breeze,the sound of cicadas--if like these things,why should Iapologize.

村上春树语录火星文:I guess I felt attached to my weakness.My pain and suffering too.Summer light the smell of a breeze,the sound of cicadas--if like these things,why should Iapologize.

村上春树说过I guess I felt attached to my weakness.My pain and suffering too.Summer light the smell of a breeze,the sound of cicadas--if like these things,why should Iapologize.这句村上春树语录已被网友认为是村上春树的名言。


