

你不能等待别人来安排你的人生;自己想要的,自己争取,You can't sit around and wait for others to arrange your life; if you want something, fight for it yourself.— 宫崎骏 《猫的报恩》

宫崎骏语录:你不能等待别人来安排你的人生;自己想要的,自己争取,You can't sit around and wait for others to arrange your life; if you want something, fight for it yourself.

英文翻译:You cannot await others to plan your life; Oneself want, oneself are striven for, you Can't Sit Around And Wait For Others To Arrange Your Life; If You Want Something, fight For It Yourself.

语录繁体:你不能等待別人來安排你的人生;自己想要的,自己爭取,You can't sit around and wait for others to arrange your life; if you want something, fight for it yourself.

宫崎骏语录火星文:伱鈈能等待別囚唻咹排伱啲囚苼;自己想偠啲,自己爭取,You can't sit around and wait for others to arrange your life; if you want something, fight for it yourself.

宫崎骏说过你不能等待别人来安排你的人生;自己想要的,自己争取,You can't sit around and wait for others to arrange your life; if you want something, fight for it yourself.这句宫崎骏语录已被网友认为是宫崎骏的名言。


