

人生越是荒唐,死亡越是难以承受,The more absurd the life, the less bearable the death.,-Jean-Paul Sartre— 萨特 《未知》

萨特语录:人生越是荒唐,死亡越是难以承受,The more absurd the life, the less bearable the death.,-Jean-Paul Sartre

英文翻译:Life the more absurd, death bears hard the more, the More Absurd The Life, the Less Bearable The Death. , - Jean-Paul Sartre

语录繁体:人生越是荒唐,死亡越是難以承受,The more absurd the life, the less bearable the death.,-Jean-Paul Sartre

萨特语录火星文:囚苼越昰荒唐,迉亡越昰難鉯承受,The more absurd the life, the less bearable the death.,-Jean-Paul Sartre

萨特说过人生越是荒唐,死亡越是难以承受,The more absurd the life, the less bearable the death.,-Jean-Paul Sartre这句萨特语录已被网友认为是萨特的名言。


