

The difference between treason and patriotism is only a matter of dates.,叛国和爱国之间的区别只是时间问题。— 大仲马 《基督山伯爵》

大仲马语录:The difference between treason and patriotism is only a matter of dates.,叛国和爱国之间的区别只是时间问题。

英文翻译:The Difference Between Treason And Patriotism Is Only A Matter Of Dates. , betray one's country and patriotic the distinction between is time problem only.

语录繁体:The difference between treason and patriotism is only a matter of dates.,叛國和愛國之間的區別隻是時間問題。

大仲马语录火星文:The difference between treason and patriotism is only a matter of dates.,叛國囷愛國の間啲區別呮昰塒間問題。

大仲马说过The difference between treason and patriotism is only a matter of dates.,叛国和爱国之间的区别只是时间问题。这句大仲马语录已被网友认为是大仲马的名言。


