

The idea which tyrants find most useful is the idea of God.,暴君觉得最有用的观念是宗教观念。— 司汤达 《红与黑》

司汤达语录:The idea which tyrants find most useful is the idea of God.,暴君觉得最有用的观念是宗教观念。

英文翻译:The Idea Which Tyrants Find Most Useful Is The Idea Of God. , oppressor feels the most useful idea is religious sense.

语录繁体:The idea which tyrants find most useful is the idea of God.,暴君覺得最有用的觀念是宗教觀念。

司汤达语录火星文:The idea which tyrants find most useful is the idea of God.,暴君覺嘚朂洧鼡啲觀念昰宗教觀念。

司汤达说过The idea which tyrants find most useful is the idea of God.,暴君觉得最有用的观念是宗教观念。这句司汤达语录已被网友认为是司汤达的名言。


