

怕什么路途遥远,走一步有一步的风景,进一步有进一步的欣喜,幸福,在路上,Fear of what the distance involved.,Go one step further step in the landscape,the further step of joy.Happiness,on the road.— 宫崎骏 《未知》

宫崎骏语录:怕什么路途遥远,走一步有一步的风景,进一步有进一步的欣喜,幸福,在路上,Fear of what the distance involved.,Go one step further step in the landscape,the further step of joy.Happiness,on the road.

英文翻译:Be afraid that what journey is distant, make a move has the view of one pace, have further farther glad, happy, on the road, fear Of What The Distance Involved. , go One Step Further Step In The Landscape, the Further Step Of Joy.Happiness, on The Road.

语录繁体:怕什麼路途遙遠,走一步有一步的風景,進一步有進一步的欣喜,幸福,在路上,Fear of what the distance involved.,Go one step further step in the landscape,the further step of joy.Happiness,on the road.

宫崎骏语录火星文:怕什仫蕗途遙遠,赱┅步洧┅步啲闏景,進┅步洧進┅步啲欣囍,圉鍢,茬蕗仩,Fear of what the distance involved.,Go one step further step in the landscape,the further step of joy.Happiness,on the road.

宫崎骏说过怕什么路途遥远,走一步有一步的风景,进一步有进一步的欣喜,幸福,在路上,Fear of what the distance involved.,Go one step further step in the landscape,the further step of joy.Happiness,on the road.这句宫崎骏语录已被网友认为是宫崎骏的名言。


